Monster House...
Columbia Pitures together with Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg and animated by Sony Pictures brings you this Movie animation about a house that is alive....
"Digital animation of people is supposed to be really difficult; this film made it look effortless. Unlike most animated films, the camera angles weren't static; the illusion of reality was heightened by a sense that there was a camera on-set with carefully planned pans and tracking shots." --dmcginnis86
From toy story many animation movies have come to pass... this time, produced by the most intriguing and well known directors/rpoducers of all time Steven Spielberg. Haven't really seen this movie yet... but I've heard rumors that the animation.. was really awesome..
Columbia Pitures together with Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg and animated by Sony Pictures brings you this Movie animation about a house that is alive....
"Digital animation of people is supposed to be really difficult; this film made it look effortless. Unlike most animated films, the camera angles weren't static; the illusion of reality was heightened by a sense that there was a camera on-set with carefully planned pans and tracking shots." --dmcginnis86
From toy story many animation movies have come to pass... this time, produced by the most intriguing and well known directors/rpoducers of all time Steven Spielberg. Haven't really seen this movie yet... but I've heard rumors that the animation.. was really awesome..
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